Two Ways to Help Your Country!

Day 815, 13:48 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

Have you heard about Emmanuel Cruise's Media Mogul project? Well, I'm part of it. In short, every new subscription I get, I donate 1 USD to the 1st Armored Division, which supplies the very heaviest hitters in the eUS military. So yes, you can help our military with only one click. I'm doing this all the way until I have 1000 subscriptions. You can do the math and figure out how much that means I'm sending their way.

Why am I doing it? Because I want a Media Mongol medal. Simple as.

^budding Media Mongol

Second way to help (and perhaps make some coin as well): WAR BONDS

^doesn't Uncle Sam look like a badass?

The government is offering War Bonds to raise funds to help us kill the eUK. You'll get all the money back plus interest, oh by the way. You should probably buy some.

So yeah. Vote and sub this article, for the good of America!