NX: Taking It All Off

Day 1,280, 23:03 Published in USA USA by Necros Xiaoban

Baja has done great things for my skin

Dear Sweet Rhode Island,

Hello again :3

Several weeks ago I announced my intent to run for Congress here in this great state. The support I received from you, the voters, was tremendous and I was easily elected Senator from Rhode Island.

During my campaign I pledged to help secure our nation's borders. We were facing serious incursions by both Mexico and Spain, and had lost a great many border regions. Since then, we have not only expelled the foreign invaders, we have also built a six-region deep wall with Mexico.

I wanted to talk to you about my steadfast refusal to make peace with Mexico, but President Emerick messed that up. Instead, by popular request, I will be giving your more pics of myself, for whatever you do with them. I'm not here to judge.

If, Rhode Island, you want to see more then vote for me, Necros Xiaoban, for Congress on the 25th of May. You know you want to 😉

God Bless.