Communication – Not Propaganda

Day 443, 06:12 Published in Romania USA by Shadow Figure

Well, I’ve written propaganda articles myself, but not this time. For a while there is a strong debate and propaganda regarding the wars in erepublik. And I’m not talking only about the arguing between ATLANTIS and PEACE, but also about the contrary positions inside Atlantis.

Atlantis also used to complain about a lack of communication, after French Toast and the conflict in Russia. And this events were followed by a lot of propaganda, but I don’t think this really improved the communication between countries.

I will take for example the very different views of USA, where I am ambassador, and Romania, my home country. Maybe this have been already written, but I didn’t saw it on international news, so I’ll take the pleasure of presenting my point of view.

Disappointing as it might be, for all of us who live in this new world, it’s all connected to the old real world. Let’s look at recent events in United States: the war based on lies (no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq), the deaths caused by war, the tortures, the brutal breaking of Geneva Convention (George Bush’s twisted interpretation of “acts against human dignity”), the Patriot Act, etc. This actions were, as you know, against the values United States was found on, the reason why USA was highly regarded as model of democracy and civil rights by other countries. And this actions had a strong impact on people’s view of life not only in America, but around the world. After this the citizens of USA elected a new president – Obama. So it’s naturally the good leaders of eUSA and many other people of the new world world are fighting for “the good”, moral values, and so .

On the other hand, taking a look beyond Dracula, we would see that Romania fought for hundreds of years to maintain it’s independence from the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire… Jumping forward we get to the USSR’s influence, the communism, the violent revolution in December 1989, and then followed a long streak of democratic but incompetent and deeply, deeply corrupt governments. So again it’s naturally the people of eRomania and many other people of the new world are fighting to achieve glory for their country .

At this point I should make an obvious statement. I’m not advocating any point of view about war at this time. If you want to start another debate about this, maybe we should start a Geneva Convention of the New World. What I want to say is that the communities around the world have very different values, and before judging them we should first try to understand them. I belive a better understanding of our different values would improve our communication .

My dear subscribers, I hope you liked reading this article at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. My fingers were itching to communicate with you.
We should look beyond the obvious.