Canada's Budgeting

Day 951, 15:22 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Following Jbdivinus' article, 'B-ware', I have decided, that all comanies and orgs recieving funds from the government should have to give DETAILED reports about how the money is being spent. I am NOT targeting you, Citizen B! I just want these reports to be sent to the government immediately. The reports would have proof of the money being spent. This law will prevent any corrupted government officials from robbing us by preventing this:

The reports would be shown to all Congressmen in Canada, the Country President and the Speaker. This prevents a corrupted person from getting away with it if they are alone in being shown the document.

The punishment for the misuse of government funds would of course, be having that org's funding slashed IMMEDIATELY. We are already a poor country after losing 2600 gold.

This proposal is important. After all:

Ontario Congressman George Beeman