A Debt Repaid; A Vote Repaired

Day 2,273, 19:55 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie

I would like to extend a round of thanks to our President for the work he has put into the recent campaign with Spain in the plains of Saskatchewain, Alberta, and later the Northwest Territories. Though the odds and results were strongly against eCanada, I still see that two main things were accomplished by the administration thus far:

First, our Country President lived up to his campaign promise of eCanada having war and not rolling over to be lapdog of other nations.
Second, our Country President fronted lots of his own money to help keep the resistance running against our Spanish invaders.

For these efforts, we are indebted (financially and respectfully) to Rylde and those on his team who assisted in coordinating the battles against Spain. Therefore, it is very uplifting to see Congress unanimously supporting the vote to pay our respects to Rylde and to further finance our resistance against the occupying forces of Spain and Polan😛

While some debts won’t be repaid in full (yet), at least eCanada has the right teamwork to repay the debts it currently can. This is a step up from the bickering I saw last fall when Congress was intent on beating itself up and pitting party against party.

Okay, but with that bit of good news comes a follow-up question. All the other current votes are receiving unanimous approval (or pretty close), so what happened here with the Moving Ticket tax vote?

No one in the discussion (link to it here: http://bit.ly/1iEaca0) said it was a bad idea and only supportive comments were given, but then you vote it down. I can only guess why for several reasons:

1) Congress wants to keep higher taxes to fund the war, even though we need to move around a lot fighting battles in Spanish held territory and Polish held territory.

2) Congress was confused about forum rules around in-game votes vs. forum discussions/pre-votes, and erred on the side of being safe until the Speaker returns to sort things out.

3) Congress votes according to the prevailing “Yes/No” split. In other words, some people started voting “No” early in the process and others just followed the trend because they have no opinion on the matter. Of course, the fact there was some uncertainty about whether the vote was ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ probably helped contribute to an early “No” lead.

That’s probably a noob question and noob guesses about the moving ticket tax vote that all of you have sorted out long ago. Still, it does make me wonder how things are done around here when there isn’t a lot of time for debating or a generous player to front cash for wars. When there is no discussion (that I can see), votes go pretty smoothly, but when stuff goes up for debate, there’s uncertainty about the process or complaints about the delays.

While I’m not an uber-fan of the forum, I admit that it’s not going away and people will continue to favour the process. Because of that, something needs to be done to fix the vote by a) streamlining the forum process and b) making voting procedures consistent and free of confusion about what is legal vs. illegal or in-game vote vs. forum pre-vote.

I’d just simplify things so that all votes are done one way. Yup, make everything approved by the Speaker through an in-forum vote before going to the game (if approved). This straightforward way will help citizens understand why Congress is voting on way or another, especially for a proposal that appears to have good intentions behind it to help the simple folk jump around to different resistance battles in the regions formerly known as Canada.

(I hope Homer doesn't mind that I borrowed his dog)

You are all doing a great job repairing lost opportunities and fixing up the place with what we got to work with. It just seems right to find other ways that make it easier to get even more stuff done.