[CP] Repaying a Debt

Day 2,271, 11:45 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

After a Bold manuever eCanada has successfully won both Resistance wars against Spain and Poland freeing Nova Scotia and BC. Bolder the better sounds like something I would say. Thx to all our allies who helped us punch there faces in during the night to make the W possible. A special thx to the whorehouse for doing its job lol.

Its not over yet as that was the warm up round to the main event. Spain is currently being Airstriked by Romania and losing badly. They want to open up a NE against us so they can hide in eCanada and not get wiped.

I say no F*cking way. Its time for Canada to repay a little bit of a debt to the tune of a 8 month wipe. They won't be wiped that long but if we can Liberate Sask today they will be stuck in a death match against Romania with no escape.

If there was a moment for a death charge guys this is it.

All in Canada!!!