[UKGov] MoFA Update Day 1116

Day 1,116, 09:35 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office
Since the beggining of Jhorlin’s term, we’ve been hard at work establishing our Ministry. We do still need more diplomats, though, so if you’re interested in being a part of the best Ministry, just shoot me a message.

A long debated diplomatic issue.

So, in the Ministry, there is myself as head. Then, we have Frerk, keram and Tomaz as head of their respective areas – either Europe, Asia/Oceana or Americas – and under them, they each have a small team of ambassadors that cover numerous countries each, in most cases.

Sadly, we don’t have any diplomats ready to report in yet, so wait for next time to get that!

Home War Update
After temporarily wiping out of Ireland, they have gotten themselves back two regions in Dublin and Cork. The USA have moved further into Ireland by taking back the South East of Ireland. After successfully securing Scotland against Canada and Canada then securing Newfoundland, USA have attacked Wales and a RW has started in North East Ireland with an attack on Scotland possible soon. Peace between the United Kingdom and the USA have been initially rejected, however negotiations are ongoing for different resolutions to our current war situation. We have not yet decided who we should select as our Natural Enemy.

Battle Module Changes
New changes to the battle module have thrown up interesting scenarios across the eWorld. The changes have brought initiative back into the game, and also made it so that the side with initative has to attack frequently or have an attack made for them. Battles are free to start, so battles and the consequential peace will be more frequent now. We will bring updates on any peace we are working on, as and when they advance.

Natural Enemy Established
Natural enemy is the new admin attempt at brining some tactics and strategy back into the war module. Lol’d. However, it is an interesting way of measuring the priorities of a country. As it gives a free war and +10% war influence, there are different ways of looking at it. More influence against your most threatening enemy? A free war against a far weaker neighbour, that wouldn’t be worth it usually? First blood has been drawn on this scene, with Poland deciding to declare Germany their natural enemy amongst others.

Animal breaks up wall of text.

Brazilian Diplomacy
Brazil are one of two countries to have recently left Phoenix. They closed their war with Spain in anticipation of the new battle module, and then decided to adopt a position of neutrality, and sealed this with their MPP with the USA. They signed this MPP while still a part of Phoenix, and many believed it was a way of them showing Phoenix that they meant business about South Africa. The South African issue has been around for a long time, after Hungarian PTO’ers denied Brazil any South African regions. Hungary always supported them in this, and it was thought that this could be the reason Brazil took an MPP with the USA. However, they confirmed their stance of neutrality after the Presidential elections, and have now begun their assault on South Africa, hitting Gauteng and rejecting a proposed peace by South Africa . This has left France to deal with Spain alone, and may seriously hamper French operations in Canada.

Canadian Front
Canada are currently in the midst of war with the UK and France approaching from the east. Although they have successfully repelled the UK, stopping them at Nunavut and then taking away Newfoundland, they haven’t had such luck with France, who they have only managed to stop at Quebec. In the last few hours, there has been a double attack on France, with Canada attacking New Brunswick, and Spain, who Brazil left to France, have attacked the important region Midi-Pyrenees.

The other major player in the South American area, Argentina have recently been taking Bolivian regions after a successful PTO of the nation. They drew the country down to one region and have now signed peace, so that they aren’t wiped and can remain comfortably in control. The amount of influence Phoenix-allied Argentina now hold in South America has increased after the recent actions of Brazil.

Bulgaria are the second country to have left Phoenix recently, after a more pro-EDEN President was elected. They have decided to maintain a neutral position after rejecting offers of MPP’s from both Greece and Romania. Bulgaria are currently in negotiations to rent Pakistani regions, after beginning to move through Iran to get to them.

China have declared Pakistan as their Natural Enemy. Does this signal movement into Pakistani owned Indian regions to their south?

Eastern Europe
The situation remains the same as ever there. After the recent declaration by the Romanians to close the war with Serbia so they can focus on their main enemy of Hungary, while Croatia and Serbia fight, things in this way have cemented as Croatia/Serbia have declared each other as natural enemies, while the Hungarians/Romanians have done the same. Fighting has been heating up as of late, with Hungary taking Maramures and resistances starting in the Hungarian occupied land of the Ukraine. Serbia have brought Bosnia down to one region, and the final battle there is being met with fierce opposition from EDEN, as Croatia step in to try and save them.

Indonesian Occupation of Australia Tested
Indonesia conquered Australia by wiping them in New South Wales four days ago, and since then have been under constant pressure by Australian resistance. They have managed to hold it down until now, and it remains to be seen how long they can keep this up until they crack under the pressure of this and other commitments taking their attention.

Hopefully this has satisfied you for now.

