[TUP]Thankyou And Lets Get Started!

Day 2,004, 03:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear Friends, Readers, Party Members and Political Opponents,

With over 90% of the vote and the backing of the party core, I feel it is safe to say that I have won the election for the Party President vote to be TUP’s President.

I would like to thank all those who voted for me this month as we move into the month of May together, as a party, United as one. I would also like to extend my congratulations to the winners in each party who will be my fellow Presidents this month and wish you the best this month.

As stated elsewhere, alittleC4 is my co-runner and vPP for this month together we will be working on getting The Unity Party properly back on its feet and moving in a new direction together in, what is, admittedly, a new era for the politics of the eUnited Kingdom even while many similarities remain. I promised to bring TUP forward but not to abandon our roots, and I assure that I will stand up to this promise by opening the first stage of our constitutional review with the Council of Unity.

Sign-ups for congressional positions will be opened up in the forums for all members of The Unity Party to step forward and prepare themselves to sign up to and the policies they will uphold. I also want to take some time out to lay out our definitive policies and what The Unity Party stands for.

The Unity Party’s Statement: We as a party dedicate ourselves to the continued welfare of the eUnited Kingdom and promise to continue providing hard working and dedicated Members of Parliament and His Majesty’s Government in order to further the interests of the eUnited Kingdom.

Foreign Policy:

The Unity Party believe the UK is best served by being a member of 'The World Is Ours,' (TWO), a global and powerful alliance of friendly countries

The Unity Party believes that when signing MPPs outside of TWO members we should only sign after a debate upon the merits of signing this MPP in order to save money


The Unity Party believes that war is good and necessary for our citizens, and that we should pursue any war that will benefit the UK.

The Unity Party believes the UK should have an 'Armed Forces Group' of 'safe' Military Units, that the government should advertise as the UK's official military and encourage new players to join

The Unity Party believes that we should run our own military unit, 'TUP Family,' for those members of ours that want a casual game experience and a place to fight with friends and fellow party members in game.


The Unity Party believes the UK should operate with a balanced budget, with a sensible tax policy matching income with spending. The government should consider this when discussing war and mutual protection pacts.

Domestic Policies:

The Unity Party believe that the official UK forum and official IRC are useful tools for citizens of erepublik, and will promote their use within the party and country.

The Unity Party believe the government should provide games, quizzes and other fun for its citizens

The Unity Party believe the government should provide a comprehensive library of guides for its new players

The Unity Party believe that vote buying for articles is unneccesary and we will campaign against its use, except for important government announcements that need immediate coverage

The Unity Party believe that the NHS is of huge help to new players and will support it with volunteers, mentors and donations wherever and whenever possible

The Unity Party believes that Congress should be more involved within the arc of government and held accountable to the people for the work that they do, to this end we will seek the continued implementation of Mr Woldy's Ideal Government Project

These are the policies of The Unity Party and we will be backing their continued implementation where it is appropriate and possible.

If you feel they represent your views, or you identify with them, then we welcome you to come along and meet our community and get involved in supporting them.

Thankyou for your time
Bohemond4 MP
Party President
The Unity Party