[TUP]Running For Party President!

Day 2,001, 02:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear Friends, Readers, Party Members, Political Opponents and Waynekerr

I am running to be Party President of The Unity Party again, time for round 2, let’s see me do better than I did last year. I have a longish manifesto; so, bear with me my faithful followers. I intend to shake things up a bit, start some new things, get things moving and most of all haul The Unity Party fully into 2013 as THE party to be a member of.

We have been through a rough patch lately, there is no denying this, however we have emerged stronger and we will continue to emerge stronger from this as a United front, together. However, I feel there has been some losing of our way in the recent months and that we have forgotten our roots. We cannot go forward without looking back at our roots and seeing just where we have come from.

To this end, I will be launching a month where we overhaul our constitution, looking at what still represents us, where we have strayed, what we need to do to as a modern UK political party. There is no denying that the face of politics has changed a massive amount since January 2008, The Unity Party has been at the forefront of this change, and if we are to remain there we need to review ourselves. This we will do. But we cannot betray or compromise our basic, core principles of honesty, loyalty and integrity.

Alongside this constitutional review, following on from Talon Karrde’s and Iain Keers’ terms the collated Unity Policies are being gathered and this process will be completed this coming month. We will have our policies laid out. People know vaguely what we stand for, but we shall make it clear on what our policies are for those contentious issues. Other parties have made clear their policies and this is something I am not afraid to admit I admire about them and think they have done well; we should not be ashamed of emulating this especially when we know that our party views are the correct ones to hold.

Every month Party Presidents vow to work on inter-party relations, every month there is not much change. I promise to carry out my relations with other Party’s with integrity and honesty, this may not change anything in the short term, but I hope we can set the foundations for a longer lasting positive relationship with any party that wishes it. To those political Party’s we already have a close relationship with, I pledge to continue our support and friendship towards you.

Furthermore, any party seeking to run candidates for Parliament outside the top 5 are free to seek The Unity Party’s support in running their candidates, our offer is open for negotiation.

Finally, I promise to run candidates for The Unity Parliamentary Party who are dedicated citizens, active and ready to serve. Anyone considering running will need to sign a pledge to represent The Unity Party’s constituents who have voted for us by working to ensure our principles and policies are upheld. The head of the Unity Parliamentary Party will be my vPP who is alittleC4 who will also be responsible for ensuring that our constituents know about Parliament and which way The Unity Party has voted compiling a list of the votes every week. We will be accountable, as a party, to the entire nation.

Now that I have the boring political stuff out the way, lets move more into the internal party fun and games.

In this part, I cover what I would like to do with my focus on the party other than the Council of Unity and Constitutional review.

Recruitment and Retention will be a focus for the party this month with regular updates sent out to party members and a dedicated team working on recruiting new, keen active members into the party. As part of the key retention scheme, my internal policies will focus on this aspect.

Party Positions

Internally, the party needs to offer more opportunities to young people who want to develop themselves and the party. I will be defining the other positions in the party other than the Party President and also creating new ones for younger citizens to aspire to and spend time in learning and gaining experience.

This way experience will be earnt from an early age before running for Party President allowing our members to have an insight into the party workings and mechanics giving them a proper heads up on other younger PP around.

These roles will be:
vice-Party President: The second in command of the Party, it will be their role to assist with the maintenance and running of the party, in particular the updating of TUP’s wiki pages and filling in for the Party President in their absence for whatever reason. They will also head the Unity Parliamentary Party with articles released each week of the direction The Unity Party has taken that week on votes regardless of if the Party President is a member of the House of Commons for that month.
The Unity Spokesperson whose role is to publish articles for the Party, to send messages to the party and be our mouthpiece to the nation alongside the President. In game, this role will be accompanied by the title of Spokesman.
Secretary for Recruitment and Retention: An important position, the SRR will be in charge of managing the recruitment team as well as helping in terms of retaining members. In game, they will receive the political title of General Secretary.
Secretary of the Unity Writer’s Association: The SUWA heads the Unity Writer’s Association whose role is to help increase the numbers and quality of Unity articles in circulation.

Each of these roles will appoint deputies to learn with them and help them out, aspiring to take on these roles. Applications for these roles will be opened up now, except for the vice-Party President, a role that will be taken this month by alittleC4.

Unity Writer’s Association

I saw this idea being run by the USWP, and also by Independent Alliance, so I thought we should adopt it. Basically, it is a fund designed to supply the necessary gold to budding young writers getting their newspapers out there and once out there, to improve their circulation. All members have a banner that can be added to their newspaper articles linked to a list of newspapers belonging to the Association. The day to day running of the Association will be kept up-to-date by the Secretary including the updating of the list of newspapers. The Association will also do a round up at the end of each week with a link to all articles written by newspapers that are part of the Association, indicated by the continued use of the Association banner, the main governmental articles and a link to the list of all newspapers currently part of the Association.

I also propose, though this final decision will be made by the party and CoU, that this Association is also opened up to non-members of The Unity Party.

Games, Fun and Quizzes

I will be holding a number of forum games for The Unity Party over the course of my term with prizes funded from our Party stockpiles of guns and food that Dan Moir is currently holding. Not only this, but a TUP Quiz will be held on IRC hosted by myself and my vPP, this will not interfere with The Royal Quiz, so Woldy you don’t need to worry!

That’s all for this section, if you have any questions or ideas or you just want to help out, message me and we will get to it.


- I am running for PP of TUP
- gonna be a month of shake up at TUP

Thank you for reading and in advance for your vote
Bohemond4 MP
Party President Elect
The Unity Party