[State] New Term and Alliance Updates

Day 2,092, 15:26 Published in USA USA by Department of State

Fellow Americans,

Thought I should give a briefing to the public from the goings-on of the State Department, and I'm looking to make this at least semi-regular for the term(s) of Oblige. First, I'll introduce you to the current team in the State Department for this month. It's a mixture of veterans in foreign affairs, so we have a lot of experience involved this month.

Secretary of State: NewAzazel
Deputy Secretary of State: Derphoof
Director of Ambassador Affairs: rainy sunday
Special Ambassador to Poland: Molly Emma
Special Ambassador to Spain: Wild Owl
Special Ambassador to Hungary: To be announced

This month priorities include managing our current allies in CoT and outside CoT, and working on our relationships with certain neutrals and hostiles. We seek to improve the coordination among our allies, meaning CoT, Asgard, and non-aligned nations, against our common enemies. We also seek to reconcile or improve our relationships with certain countries we are hostile or neutral with, namely those with special ambassadors. Lastly, we desire to assist CoT in reforming and improving its alliance structure in any way we can.

Circle of Trust Affairs

Bringing you updates from our alliance. Two days ago we selected a new leadership for CoT, so I will first get that out of the way and introduce you to our new CoT HQ:

Supreme Commanders: khotko and potato134
Supreme Commander Advisors: Dermont and Annexia
Military Commander: Squibeel
Public Relations: HankScorpio
Bank Governor: chukcha

We also have several new priorities along with the new leadership, the first to be chosen since changing the CoT charter. Candidates for Supreme Commander can now be proposed from any country, a change from the rotating country system CoT has had previously, which should ensure more active leadership each month. Priorites this month include expanding the scope of the PR office, centralizing ATO efforts for member nations, and improving outreach to non-CoT countries.

Khotko and Potato134 are also implementing new reforms to CoT in regards to military and foreign affairs coordination. Countries will now be required to have two aMCs, which should improve communication with leadership and develop more people for international military coordination. Our alliance is at a damage disadvantage, which means we need more cooperation with what we have if we are to be successful on any front. Improving involvement in military affairs at the international level should also be a boon for member states seeking to improve their activity.

CoT is also working on setting up a Secretary of Foreign Affairs Council, which will improve coordination amongst the foreign policies of CoT member states and hopefully bring our views more in line with one another along with bringing more alliance support to negotiations and improving relations. CoT desires to have a more centralized foreign policy with cooperation from its member states. I am personally involved in setting up the SoFA Council, and will let you know of further developments there.

I will conclude this article with some useful links in coordination with other government departments.

Presidential update on taxes.

White House Press Room update on taxes, CoT, and war.

Interior providing food for citizens.

Department of Education newspaper, regularly updated.

Department of Defense citizen orders.

Also stay tuned for government eNPR announcements. I will be on tomorrow's show to discuss current State Department work, answer any questions, and provide more information on the world to any who might be interested. Thank you for taking the time to read this update.

Secretary of State