WHPR 2092 - Damn War Tax; CoT Supreme Commander; War Map

Day 2,092, 00:01 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
WHPR 2092 - Damn War Tax; CoT Supreme Commander; War Map

Media Staff Writer Irule777 Interviews a Potato Supreme

Dateline: Monday, August 12, 2013 (Day 2,092)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:
: 1: That Damn War Tax
: 2: Interview with CoT Supreme Commander
: 3: War Map & Analysis
: 4: Odds & Ends

Editor: George Armstrong Custer (aka Chief White Bull)
Segments Contributed by DepSecMedia Tyler Buublar, Staff Writers Irule777 and Hale26

That Damn War Tax
Staff Writer Tyler Buublar

What Admins Intended
As everyone has noticed a new tax has surfaced. The Work Tax was recently instituted by the Admins in an attempt to fix the broken economic module. Revenues have been dropping in the last year. This new tax which hits those who self produce was supposed to fix all that.

What the New Work Tax is Doing to Workers

Dio Publius
This sort of tanks my perfect self-contained bubble that I made for myself, I think. Which is a shame because BHs are kinda rare nowadays with all this visa action. :/

Personally, as long as communes are a thing, I'm quite content with believing the average salary fairly low, so a small tax on my four WRM companies is fine by me. I make 24 CC/day (a whole 24, sad that that's "success" to me) for free, which buys me 300+ Q3 food, paying a tiny tax on it's fine. I'll still be self-sustained and even somewhat profitable as one who rarely sees combat while training up daily.

Kemal Ergenekon
Quick analysis:- In high work tax countries, Q5 WRM companies will overtake Q3 WRM companies as the new norm. As long as a high bonus country sets minimum work tax, the goods prices shouldn't change too much after the big producers move to such tax havens. FRM companies bite the dust in eUS.

Max McFarland
The work tax system potentially puts governments and national militaries in a stronger position, assuming they adopt a 1% tax rate, work to avoid deliberate inflation of the average wage, and smooth out eventual increased hostilities with established independent military organizations who will feel even more wronged by the government than they did before. Nations like China that keep a higher rate can theoretically develop a more unified and powerful national system, so long as everyone accepts sacrificing for the collective good and pulling together. I'm curious to see how much of that sentiment is present in their in-game population.

Tyler Buublar
As the SHIELD Communications Officer, I've taken part in the internal discussions of the impact the work tax has had on our MU. Operating costs have ratcheted up by several thousand cc a week. We have discussed cutting supplies for D1/D2 fighters and/or dropping our very popular Artillery Division which provides rocket pack drops for those with rocket factories. We settled for now on individual members stepping up and paying the additional costs until the tax rate can be dropped.

No-Congress Can't Change It; Admins Ignore POTUS' Request

President Oblige petitioned Plato to allow him to lower our rates, but to no avail. The tax was unexpected, and due to the invasion we have no ingame Congress to lower the rates. They are currently stuck at the in game max of 25%. This tax will hurt in the short term, but come the 26th congress will likely take quick action to lower the rate.

Interview with CoT Supreme Commander Potato134
Staff Writer Irule777

Irule777: This is your first month as SC of CoT. What's qualified you to get there, and how ready are you for this job?
potato134: Over the past several months I've served as the vMC in CoT (part ofthe HQ) and thoughout my eRep career I've served in various other government postions which has prepared me for the job of SC. Also over the days leading up to the elections khotko and I were in constant contact with our plans for the month.

Irule777: CoT is losing this war with TWO. What is your plan to really turn this around and give CoT the fighting chance?
potato134: I think coordination is key. At the start of WW6 we won the battles we wanted to win and for the most part it was a stalemate. And restoring confidence back in the CoT HQ is a top priority.

Irule777: What are you going to do to improve CoT internal communications? According to President Oblige, roughly half the nations don't even attend the summits.
potato134: We have a PR director now-- one of his jobs is to communicate with member nations. At the last summit we had we were missing maybe two nations.

Irule777: CoT had some communication issues and HQ issues over the last few months. Is this new HQ doing a lot better and functioning well?
potato134: Khotko and I are motivated to improve CoT, absolutely.

Irule777: What's your favorite thing so far about being SC?
potato134: My favorite part has to be being able to represent an alliance that tries to be fair to every member, and working with the people who make up the governments of the CoT member nations.

War Map & Analysis
War Analyst Hale26

Things have been relatively calm at home since the fall of the Confederate States of America but a few days ago. While calmness is nothing in our favor, some good news is that Poland held Ohio. This means that the Serbians will retain their lack of land bridge to New York State, our Capital. This gives us hope at keeping our lands, since Poland shows no ambition to NE us anytime soon. Nice to have a base to work from, isn't it?

Our nation's military planners are currently assessing the resources we have at our disposal before the next wave of assaults. Till actions are taken, please help our CoT friends via MPP and hold off on starting any unsanctioned RWs. Unplanned RWs hurt our chances at battlefield success, cost you 1000cc, and cost our NSC Directors about $0.10 worth in Advil. Unless you love mega drug companies and losing money, the government asks that you please hold off on opening random RWs.

Odds & Ends
One-line Headlines

• It's time to PTO Ajay/RGR's Party again! Move to the AFA New and vote for Kody5 on Thursday the 15th!
• The National Shield Tournament continues-- how are you doing? (post in Comments!)
• eNPR will broadcast live at 1800 hours Tuesday evening. Cerb to Host.
• Depts of Interior and Education will both be publishing new articles today!
• Dept of Defense: If you are (If in the USA or allied nation) fight for Chile in B&C!
• Fresh Recommended Reading paper Tuesday morning.
• All IRC rooms running Sovereign now have a Media comman😛 @whitehouse will bring up a list of hot links to government newspapers.
• Shout Out and Thank You to our readers for pushing the WHPR past 3000 subscriptions!

"Unfortunately the President cannot adjust taxes and despite my best efforts submitting a support ticket, the admins denied my request for a one time tax adjustment."

Read more from our President in his own newspaper: Savior

George Armstrong Custer (aka Chief White Bull) -|- Tyler Buublar
"I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life."

Staff Writers Irule777 & Ludonarr, War Analyst Hale26, Recommended Reading Editor Melissa Rose

WHPR 2092 - Damn War Tax; CoT Supreme Commander; War Map
Now with 3000+ subs!

Now with functioning link!

