[Lockean Philosophy on Politics, Government, and Leadership: Part II of III]

Day 509, 09:33 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Government: the organization, machinery, or agency through which a political unit exercises authority and performs functions and which is usually classified according to the distribution of power within it.

That is quite thorough, and good enough for my purposes. I will start from the top and descend.

By Game Mechanics:
Country President
The highest office in any country in the New World, these elections occur every month and make it difficult for someone to manipulate a country long term. Nonetheless, it has happened. This office is a particular victim of political take overs in countries that are new and unorganized. One such nation state is South Korea.

It is hard for a Country President to achieve anything during his term with a congress that is opposed to him. Unfortunately for the CP, the length of his term is at the discretion of Congress. At any point in time, the congress can impeach the CP with a two-thirds majority vote. If an impeachment fails then the congress can try again in a week.

I believe the game mechanics only allow someone who is level 12 or higher to run for Congress. (If I am wrong please leave a comment and I will edit this.)

Many of you are wondering what congress does.

If I may interject some humor, *ahem* "That is even a mystery to the congressmen."

In all seriousness, in the eUS, the members of the Congress have the dubious job of being on the forums 24/7 (no sleep allowed) so they can see every post and reply to it in a timely manner before the Speaker of the House, currently kyle321n, locks the thread. eUS congress has been mutated (or evolved, either way you wish to state it) off of the game's website on the eUS Forums. Why you ask? Well way back before these refinements were made, congressmen were just proposing whatever they so wished. Go figure.

Now a Congressman (or woman) wishing to propose an issue to their colleagues in congress must go on the forums first, fight tooth and nail over the old school (as this issue has probably been argued five million times already) and gain five approvals of their colleagues. Why you ask? Because it makes everything so much more civil (can you catch the hint of sarcasm in my voice?).

Anyway, I really should not knock this too much, it really has made our record of laws much cleaner and more concise. Congress has a list of issues which they can propose. Anyone can do these things but certain aspects are left to the president to propose, such as buying constructions.

What comes after Congress?... Oh that's right that is where the game mechanics stopped....
Way back in Beta, (you all remember beta right?) there was a being known as the Mayor. Naturally going backwards never helps anyone progress, otherwise they would not be moving forwards. Lockean philosophy, however, believes that one more mechanically designed office should be created by the administrators of the New World. Why? The members of congress, although elected by the people, have too much power, there needs to be one more office and who can say no to one more free experience point for voting for Governor of a state?

Outside of Game Mechanics:
Presidential Cabinets
Many countries have them, I can only testify to the one the eUS runs.

Here are a few of the departments in the cabinet:
Vice President
Chief of Staff
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of State
Public Relations Director (unsure of the exact name, maybe Claire Littleton would like to give me her title)

The specific responsibilities of each of these offices does not matter exactly they were just given for examples and correlations can be found between the New World's definitions and their importance in real life presidential cabinets.

What is the importance of the president's cabinet and what good is it to be placed on it?
I cannot speak from personal experience but rather as an eye witness, being elected Country President (but more specifically President of the United States, POTUS) is taxing, forget actually performing your duties as CP. In the US, CP elections seem to be starting earlier and earlier each month. Why? Because every candidate wants as much time to disseminate his platform as possible.

Why work so hard to get a job that is a joy kill in the first place? Because you're a sado-masochist? I cannot even answer this question. Most say it is to be able to fix what is wrong currently, and most of them, I believe.

Sorry, I got a bit side-tracked. The POTUS has so many responsibilities to fulfill that he will stretch himself too thin if he tries to accomplish it alone. For this purpose he has his cabinet of trusted friends and experts to help him, advise him, and to be there when he needs them.

All of the offices listed above are crucial to the operation of this country. The top two, however, might tie for first.

The Vice President really does nothing in terms of practicality. They usually serve to help the CP campaign for the election. Sometimes they are chosen to get votes or make up where the candidate trails off. They also serve as a best friend and confidante when needed. The Chief of Staff keeps the cabinet fine tuned and in working order. He is to the Cabinet what the Speaker of the House is to Congress... a whip.

What would a country be without diplomatic relations?

We need these talented multi-lingual people to keep communications open between the US and most every other country in the New World. Why? Because it is important to remember that the New World is just a game, a collection of binary and hexidecimal places in memory. The social networking side of this game must not be ignored. These Ambassadors are crucial in keeping that alive between countries. They have the dubious jobs of checking two forums (at least) multiple times per day. Dio save them.

[The Lockean View of Government]

By Game Mechanics:
Country President
Countries would be lost without their leadership; incompetent naves in the media would have no one to blame; Congress would have no one to impeach if it weren't for the glorious Country President.

But seriously, WHO would EVER want this job?

This job has burnt so many a man out that they can not serve more than two terms. Why? It is taxing to hold such a position of power and influence. Criticism is always heavy and it is a thankless job.

This is a position I almost gladly no longer hold.

The bitterness and resentment between congressmen and women is so great that I almost resigned before my time last month. Congress is not for the faint of heart and like everything else in life needs to be taken in moderation. Lockean Philosophy suggests only serving two consecutive terms. Then frequent the forums and IRC and serve as an advisor. Take a break. War. Get some of that stress out of your system. Hell, go read a book even. But don't burn yourself out. You can always return, good congress members are always welcomed back, or should be.

I plan, eventually, once I finish this second semester, to run as I will have more time to dedicate to the office and will be, hopefully, renewed in my energies.

This is a suggestion that the admins should take seriously. It would give the game an extra aspect and do the citizens well. This intermediate position between private citizen and congressman would be good for new players.

Outside of Game Mechanics:
Presidential Cabinets
I fear that without these we would have too many suicidal men and women in the eUS. They would be so overwhelmed that they might rather harm themselves than continue their office or suffer the indignity of resigning before their time.

No person should ever serve more than two consecutive terms in this office. I do not care what they say, history has shown that by the third term most are burnt out and have exhausted all avenues that they can think of to further the country.

I guess I gave my philosophy on this a bit early, before its time. No matter, I believe you read my article and know it now.

Thank you for reading.

I would also like to thank those who showed support on my last article and gave me some suggestions to make the article easier to read (Emerick)

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[Lockean Philosophy]
[Lockean Philosophy on Politics, Government, and Leadership Part I of III]