[KHMC] Preliminary statement on the Senate elections

Day 2,106, 02:57 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

KHMC: Our Future

The results are being checked by the system for integrity and will be released by 11 PM Aus Eastern Standard Time (0600 eRep).

I've conferred with my counterpart in the APP Marcos Arolia and he has put out an analysis of the election that's an interesting read if you like analyses (I love them but obv. that's not everyone's cup of tea). According to my figures we have 7 Senators elected, however Mr Arolia has generously estimated we have 9. Hence, I'll wait for the system to bring down the official results before I make a statement.

At this point I just really wanted to thank everyone who voted KHMC in this election. It was hard fought by the three major parties - out in the media, in public policy development and in rebuilding political activity in the country.

I want to thank ARP's Tim Holtz and APP's Marcos Arolia for the solid election competition that was worthy of us all. eAus politics has a grey history of devouring its aspirants but this was really something else.

People turned out in a good number. I think 170 odd people voted by final count and for a country some claim to be dead we all pitched in to make it the best contest we could. I know I speak for the T3 party reps in saying we all did our best to encourage our members to not only get active, but engaged in the process and take charge of their campaigns.

Not far from my mind, although next door, were the efforts of our fighting players keeping us on the map. Where we're lucky is that eAus has a long track record of experience fighting off aggressors at legislative elections time. I did my bit as did all citizens, but I acknowledge the bulk of our strength did the heavy lifting. I get in trouble naming names because I always seem to miss some - let's just say you know and eAustralia knows who you are and I thank you all.

In his government role Defence Minister Holtz took on the added responsibilities of de facto Acting Prime Minister and in difficult circumstances having no clear chain of command or instructions. Prime Minister Flatty was indisposed in RL and on a personal note I wish him my best hoping that whatever is going on that he and all involved are well.

Now to the candidates. A number of you will be members of the August-September 2013 Senate Session. I want to thank Senate Speaker Mikhail Alexander for his service this term. He has already announced in one of the final topics of the outgoing session that he won't be seeking re-election. That means that as part of the first orders of business, Senate will have a new government branch leader.

To those candidates who will end up not achieving election, I am sorry. I believe I did the best I could and gave it all with the resources I had. It is a consolation that I am proud of each and every KHMC member that signed in to vote - you have my eternal respect. I am also grateful for any votes we may have received across the divide. Thank you.

Among us, there will be a number of first time Senators - thus continuing the cycle of the new generation coming through. I am here to help wherever I am able to.

Thank you.

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Mick Gatto
KHMC President and Senator