[KHMC] Setting the tone for our future

Day 2,101, 19:22 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ


The KHMC has accomplished much in the past week. For the first time in a long time the office bearers have been chosen democratically by the members themselves. We have our own forum board and it's showing a good level of activity. We have over 25 members registered for the board and that's a good starting member:forum ratio. The party has been rejuvenated from a period of PTO and is back in the safe hands of its members that call the KHMC their home.

The greatest achievement to-date has been seeing a number of great KnightHawks of party, unit and spirit return home and the sense of democracy and inclusion that is spreading throughout the membership - and is growing by the day. The role of the party president is declining to that of guiding member and moderator - the way any democratic movement should. I didn't imagine this would have been possible and I am thankful for the chance the members have given me to contribute (and give me something to do in the game given my semi-retirement in RL compared to what I used to do).

KHMC is part of the KnightHawks family. Its roots are deeply imbedded into the culture of friendship born from many years of service, hard work and commitment from many people. Some have moved on, but deep in their e-citizenship is their KnightHawk origins - a tradition installed that once a KH, always a KH to us. Respect doesn't end because leave is given. It's what we call Forever Hawks.

A new era calls for a new responsibility. The troubles at home caused by an ailing economy brought on by persistent game change, timing issues in the eIndonesian campaign brought on by game promotions - of which little of either has been positive .. this has called active and engaged people to step up and help across party lines for the good of the country. KnightHawks have played their part and there can be no question we've committed the best we have and answered the call to service.

In the Senate we're led by a great Speaker in Mikhail Alexander and we have a considered voice in the Cabinet through people like Foreign Minister and Senator Callumh123 and others. Our good friend and Party Spokesperson 0tsoa has been a maverick voice on wealth generation, something that a lot of folks have already benefited from.

Democratic decisions mean that at times it's more important to share and join together, rather than grab and rush. KHMC has solidified its position as the #2 party with honour, not with pride. We have built a good relationship with the ARP administration and have worked well together this past month.

I might be over-dramatising the situation, but it seems to me and the members seem to agree, that it's better to remain neutral in internal quarrels and be a supportive voice to all, than to bicker and cause strife for the sake of scoring cheap points. I'll be honest - that's not easy to do. I do believe though we've done our best to work with all mainstream parties this new political term and have done well in negotiations to achieve the best for all.

We have reached out to the GGP/GGR and APP, in addition to the positive relationships we are building with ARP members. All in the name of achievement for this country. Some folks, not just in the party, have come to me privately and criticised that approach as "weak". I genuinely thank everyone, inside and out of the KHMC, for their input. It all goes together to measure what can be done to do better - and I admit there's a long way to go.

Yes, we can go for gold with a limited chance of success at this point in time, divide the nation and come out on top. I will however ask everyone to consider this: We're not in a position to govern outright but are in a strong position as kingmaker to have a good seat at the table. What good reason might there be to jeopardise that?

That's not to say we are irrelevant. In fact we are far from it. Whether the rogue element likes it or not, KHMC are a party not only preferred, but required to provide the balance of power. KHMC's votes can choose the fate of a candidate for Prime Minister, a Senate, a vote or a national policy. That automatically guarantees our inclusion in the political process, our views a solid airing and the best part of all - not an enemy in sight.

It is up to the members to formally decide our direction, but I would say the above fairly represents what the majority of us want: to work with the Executive of the day and work with the Majority Party of the day - whoever it is. Being neutral isn't the same as being neutered (although those who know me can relate that I know that feeling too LOL - yes I can laugh about it nowadays).

In friendly competition I say this. The KH brand will one day return to its former glory. But now let this new era begin. There is no need to make enemies when we can succeed as friends.

Thanks for your time.

MUST be registered on the forums first. If you don't have an account, click here to register and create one. Best to use your game name as your forum name for easy recognition, then send me a message to add you to the KH member group.

Mick Gatto
KHMC President and Senator