[GREYSKULL] Hats Off to Addy on Greypower Sunday!

Day 2,147, 11:17 Published in Canada Spain by Wilfie

Congrats go out to Addy on this Greyskull Sunday following Powergrab Saturday. o7!
Carne Diem; Seize the Day; Seize the Power!

9 out of Top 5 parties agreed…Addy for Prez!

Addy addy beau-daddy,
Banana-fana fo' fad-ee
Fee-fi-foe mad-ee
Who's your granddaddy?


For the runners-up:

“Yes, sir, a veritable age of reason...and not a moment too soon.”

Shenanigoon candidate Dr. Maninhatanus put on a good show, coming in second place. A stunning result for a noobish party barely a month old. Baby-face wuz here. Moo!

In other Goonie News, Sally Willis has put forward a motion to amend the CRoO with her omnibus-like proposal. Shenanigans supports Salty Wills in hers efforts to make Congress a more transparent place and the forum more open to the eRepublik community at largess.

Please read and support her motion here:

Without further ado, here are your GREYSKULL Sunday Ladies (and other assorted Greys):

Canada’s fav Snowyhairedbird, Anne Murray

Librarians were gleeful upon Addy’s election. (as gleeful as they can appear to be)

kids these days…photoshop in some wrinkles, stretchmarks, and cellulite and then maybe I’d believe it

but this one’s not a photoshop…

old people these days…manopause was made for a reason, doncha know

For the ManDogs among us:

...and you should totally check out the site where this is from:
Dogs Dress in Owners’ Clothes

Lastly, here’s one or two for the ladies:

I do declare George Gooney to be one dapper man.

Bill Clinton has been working it out!

Sallty Willis, we salute you!
Have yourselves a wonderful Greypower Sunday.