[Education] Question & Answer

Day 2,316, 18:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by University of Ireland

March 24, 2014

Hello eIreland,

Back in July 2013, the Department of Education began with a Q&A project, where we asked citizens, new and old, to send in their questions. Today, we'll be continuing with that idea, but we need new questions to get us started!

The Q&A will work very simply, send us your questions here:

New and interesting questions will be published in articles like this one, and commonly asked questions will eventually be featured in a shiny new FAQ.

Previously Answered Questions
The following are paraphrased versions of the original questions. In the articles themselves the questions will be as received.

- Is there a mentor program for new players?

- How do I make money? How do I get gold?

- Once I have gold, how should I spend it?

- When am I ready to fight?

The answer to these questions, in Q&A #1: Here. (July 6, 2013)

- How do I get supplies from Boot Camp?

- Who were CoT and TWO?

- Any tips on becoming a congress member?

- How do I become Country President?

The answer to these questions, in Q&A #2: Here. (July 28, 2013)

By The Way
A big thanks to those who sent in great questions this last summer. It's time to answer some more. Eventually we'll turn this article into a FAQ to store all the commonly asked questions for future reference.

Both new citizens and old are encouraged to ask any question about the game, eIreland, or the New World. Questions are published anonymously, and sending a citizen link is optional if you'd like a pm answer to your question. No matter how crazy your question is, I'll try to find the answer - and if I don't know it, maybe someone else will!

Not all questions may end up in an article, but I will try my best. We'll continue to do four questions per issue.

Ian E Coleman
Minister of Education