[CP] Days 4.949-4.956

Day 4,956, 03:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Fenoglioteam

Greetings Ireland,

First week of my presidency is done, so here you have a little summary of what we have been doing.

Ministry of Defense and Training Wars

With better and worse days, our TWs remain in order, serving as a source of gold for all Irishcitizens. Taking advantage of the occasion, a summary of the training wars currently underway and how they work, but remember that you can find the updated priorities in the national feed.

Finland : We Win Dublin and lose Louth

Republic of China: We win Mayo and lose Northern Ireland

France: We win Dublin and lose Wales

Argentina: We win Wexford and lose Cork

Turkey: We win Shannon and lose Newfoundland and Labrador.

So, we should always hold the regions we control in the following picture.

Foreign Affairs

As it was planned, we´ve been working with the newly elected government of the United Kingdom in order to prepare a new peace deal between our countries. I will inform the congress as soon as there's a proposition we can vote about.

Moreover, I would like to take a moment to thank all the countries that have helped to fix our TWs when we needed extra damage, especially the Brazilian community.


Not much to add here. I´m asking for the money owed due to TW tax devolutions, so we will soon have a couple of important donations. Exact numbers will be posted after the payment.

This week in eR + Press

This week was marked for the rough start of some presidencies, specially Bulgaria and Romania. The first one was temporarily banned due to a change in the welcome message similar to what our Nerusia did a couple of months ago. The second, impeached. You can write about what happened here

Of course, since we aren´t less than Romania, we had our own impeachment process during the weekend, which was won by the government 2-11. Thanks everyone for their confidence.

Likewise, the banning of more hitter accounts, in this case due to the use of multiple accounts, has brought the debate about the bots controlled by one and the other side, as well as the best way to solve it. This issue has not gone unnoticed on our island, being the subject of the latest RTK article. How would you solve the bot problem? Share your thoughts here.

Community corner

Today I want to listen to Irish music. Share your favourite song by an irish artist in the comment and win 1.000 cc if it´s my favourite one. The winner will be announced in the next weekly report.

My entry (outside the contest): Empire falls, by Primordial. But the whole album “To the Nameless Dead” is great.

That's all for today. If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to post it here, send me a message ingame or ping me on telegram

Have a nice day!