[bowen199] Economic Manifesto – Sight Beyond Sight

Day 1,169, 11:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by bowen199

Welcome to my Economic Manifesto the second in a series of three manifestos in the run up to the February 2011 Country President Elections. Though I have not gone unchallenged, I am convinced that no other contender can do a better job. I intend to prove who will serve the eUK best through having better ideas, less humdrum and more importantly better manifestos.

Ministry of Finance

Many speculate that our economy is unavoidably doomed due to misguided attempts to stimulate the global economy by the makers of the game. Suggestions have ranged from squandering 100s worth of gold, blocking foreign imports, to sitting back and watching the collapse from the side-lines. As Country President, I could never let this happen and will think out of the box and ensure all avenues are explored. While I believe the interests of national General Managers are very important, excessive import taxes will lead to increased costs for consumers due to the reduction of competition. The cost of products will not be the only effect as we are also blocking the flow of GBP out of the eUK. As such I have devised several strategies to minimise the effects of the extra GBP circulating in the economy eventually leading to inflated product prices. These measures will be implemented over due course to prevent our economy from collapsing any further. In the first instance Income tax would be reduced slightly, VAT increased in some areas more than others and an all-round reduction on import tax. Essentially this means we would pay less income tax and the price of commodities would be more, but due to lowered import tax competition would force market prices down to lower than they are now. The main reasons behind this it to have more GBP collected through tax as well as to dispense more currency out of immediate circulation into the global economy.

As workers and GMs generally have more GBP now than ever before they will be given the opportunity to save with the Bank of England and earn an interest.

G Scheme was not originally my idea (bonds) but by changing the parameters and keeping the same concept, this model is an ideal solution for the current economic climate. With so many offers on the monetary market often trying to make a profit they often do as they would on the regular market place and undercut their competitors. This further devalues the currency and makes it more difficult to keep a stable benchmark. After having a long period of no direct wars (apart from the training war) which provides a bonus boost to the economy, the MM is fairly sluggish. To counter this, the G Scheme gives those same workers and GMs who speculate on the MM an option to still make a profit on their capital while helping the eUK.

Most notably, you can see that we will accept two types of “bonds” - firstly, GBP bonds which pay GBP interest. Not only does this allow people to make an effective guaranteed investment, it also ensures that in the future we can release these bonds to the market (should GBP need devaluing or vastly improve in demand), whilst preventing the amount of offers congesting the MM, and also encouraging people to spend their bonds and interest on buying higher Q food or weapons

The GOLD bonds are not only an attractive investment for the citizen, but also one for the government. By ensuring a steady balance of gold should we fall into any difficulty. With the interest again being paid in GBP, we can use our hefty currency income via tax to pay our citizens for the privilege of ensuring our state is secure from annihilation.

I believe in having a stable money market! The most successfully way of achieving this is by predetermining benchmarks. This is not to be confused with constant regulation from the Bank of England, but rather timed adjustments to our benchmarks. Without carefully stabilizing the MM we are less capable to generating the gold we need to protect our country’s interests.

Ministry of Trade

Considering changes to the game often unexpected sometimes solves problems, but they also at times make things worse as in this case. However with a proficient MoT, we can make the right choices quickly without the un-necessary chaos. Despite the best efforts of the MoT, the economy will predictably remain unpredictable and as such has traditionally meant the role has been predominately reactive. Unfortunately, other CP candidates due to limited imagination will also keep the MoT’s role reactive and far less beneficial compared with taking a proactive approach. I on the other hand will not leave the market solely on the whims of GMs’ trial and errors. Running a company requires investing time and effort. Depending on the industry you invest in, it may be more profitable at times than others. Factors such as how many other companies also trading (in industry the same industry) and demand greatly affect profit margins. By providing GMs and potential GMs statistical information (including profit margins) on current trends in weekly articles, they can then make informed choices on where and when to invest.

After reading my ideas on how the government should run the economy it should be clear that my government will run the economy the way it should be done. In addition, my government will also ensure that citizens will pay reasonable prices and GMs given the information they need to trade profitably. In turn, this puts us in a better position to defend ourselves from economic sabotage as well as a larger gold reserve. I will explain why this is necessary in my military/foreign manifesto, which is the next article in the series leading up to the February 2011 Country President Elections. Thanks for reading my economic manifesto make sure you read all the articles in the series. Also I need economic ministers so if interested check here.

UK Presidential Candidate