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Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be.

VOTE - Our Responsibility

7 День 1,896, 22:25 Опубликовано в стране Pakistan Pakistan Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

The reason to highlight this topic is to create awareness among common people to know their power. Many people think that their vote does not matter so imagine if everyone felt that way, we would never raise our voice!


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One Sided Conversation

17 День 1,895, 14:37 Опубликовано в стране Pakistan Pakistan Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Launching word-missiles in a strategy to agitate public empathy are not less than a Bazooka Boosters on the war ground. They aren't enough to change the mindset but also to create an uncertainty among the innocent people.

This is my first time

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