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This is the greatest newspaper ever because it is run by its customers.

Apologies, Future Surprise, Donations, what is next?

114 День 3,914, 17:18 Опубликовано в стране Switzerland Switzerland Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

I am still here!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the past week's chaos. (In my defense, Tef1 did not started it).

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Should I stay or should I leave?

15 День 3,909, 17:35 Опубликовано в стране Switzerland Switzerland Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

In the past few days, I have been thinking (Irrationally, I will admit).

Someone put a gasoline on the fire.


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Part 2 of Bye eSwiss

12 День 3,907, 17:12 Опубликовано в стране Switzerland Switzerland Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

I am gone. I will not be back ever again. My commitment to this eNation was questioned by C0RRAD0 BG

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Bye eSwiss

29 День 3,906, 12:38 Опубликовано в стране Switzerland Switzerland Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

It was fun. But, my mission here of entertaining eSwiss is done. I want to especially thank Rican for making it fun. Others too, to be honest. My journey in the new world started in eUSA and it must end there. I hope yall had fun with me. I did.

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Congrats and thanks to dan quijote

8 День 3,866, 17:56 Опубликовано в стране Switzerland Switzerland Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

It is no secret in this past election dan Quijote and Tef1 were rivals.

But, even rivals can team up for #teamSwiss.

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