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Official Media Of The Church Of Rebirth

No catnip, no party

8 День 2,645, 12:11 Опубликовано в стране Belgium Belgium Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

Dear eBelgians, Dear ePeople,

Even if you don't really exist, considering all of you are just bots or multies made to create this virtual universe in which I'm e-existing, I've to acknowledge the efforts you're making.

Thank you for that. Btw,

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That's how it would look like...

19 День 2,006, 04:18 Опубликовано в стране Belgium Belgium Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения


Heyyyyyyyyyy ! Guess who's back to kick some romanian asses ?
R-R-R-Raskol the Malicious !
(I hope you guessed it right, it was super obvious)

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I guess this is a goodbye...

29 День 1,891, 11:05 Опубликовано в стране Belgium Belgium Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения

My dear friends,

My time has come. The possibility of leaving the game has been considered since my resignation from the governement but I have now decided to
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Babyboomers ? Les premiers pas à faire pour ne pas être perdus !

16 День 1,886, 11:37 Опубликовано в стране Belgium Belgium Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Bonjour à tous !

Étant donné que nous n'attendions pas une soudaine arrivée de jeunes joueurs, cet article a été écrit à la va-vite mais, je l'espère, vous guidera dans … Подробнее »

PolitiCat : The Party President's Elections [January 2013]

16 День 1,884, 07:48 Опубликовано в стране Belgium Belgium Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Dear readers,

First of all, I would like to congratulate the newly elected Party Presidents and wish them good luck for the upcoming month. Today, there will … Подробнее »