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An open letter to Zordacz

14 День 4,257, 11:48 Опубликовано в стране India India Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Dear Zordacz,

Quite recently, you took the time out of your inestimably busy schedule to compose a very specific message to the Indian community


In that regard, I have a request. For me to be placed on that "

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[CP] Call to arms

8 День 3,805, 10:51 Опубликовано в стране India India Военная аналитика Военная аналитика

War is a constant presence in erepublik, it exists as a background hum to the daily … Подробнее »

Anubis for president

35 День 3,776, 10:58 Опубликовано в стране India India Политические дебаты и аналитика Политические дебаты и аналитика

Hello everyone!

Today I’m happy to announce that I will be running for president. It has been a long journey to today; many, many terms as MoE, quite a number of terms in the other ministries. Through the years, I have seen many presidents come

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9 День 3,750, 05:52 Опубликовано в стране India India Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Place a stone a day, within a month you have a heap, after a year, a mound. By a decade, a house stands before you. Come a century, you have a Подробнее »

A Final Flourish

4 День 3,490, 08:40 Опубликовано в стране India India Первые шаги в eRepublik Первые шаги в eRepublik

Another election has come and gone by. I've been named the MoE in the latest cabinet. This will be the seventh time so far.

I won't pretend that my previous terms as MoE have been spectacular. Most of them have been defined by interesting ideas,

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