Фон вкл./выкл.

Keep on FIGHTING… there is HOPE [ Fr vers.]

1 День 639, 22:18 Опубликовано в стране France France

Five weeks have passed since we set sail on this epic journey; one of defeat and victories, of glory and misfortune, of fellowship and dishonesty. Five weeks the ocean tides buried the trace of battles, the smoking ruins of fortifications greeted us

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Keep on FIGHTING… there is HOPE [Indo Vers]

10 День 639, 22:17 Опубликовано в стране Indonesia Indonesia

Five weeks have passed since we set sail on this epic journey; one of defeat and victories, of glory and misfortune, of fellowship and dishonesty. Five weeks the ocean tides buried the trace of battles, the smoking ruins of fortifications greeted us

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Keep on FIGHTING… there is HOPE

7 День 639, 22:16 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania

Five weeks have passed since we set sail on this epic journey; one of defeat and victories, of glory and misfortune, of fellowship and dishonesty. Five weeks the ocean tides buried the trace of battles, the smoking ruins of fortifications greeted us

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Soimii Patriei - impreuna pentru eRomania

22 День 627, 12:31 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania

Victorie si Onoare

"Dacă şoimul sfâşie dintr-o lovitură corpul prăzii sale, este că loveşte exact la momentul dorit. Loviţi-vă inamicul la fel de puternic, cum loveşte şoimul la ţintă" - Sun Tzu

Pentru prima data in istoria recenta a … Подробнее »

Qu'est-que nous avons prepare pour aujourd'hui

16 День 595, 07:37 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania

Va salut cu respect!

A trecut ceva timp de la ultimul raport de activitate pentru Soimii Patriei. Imi cer scuze membrilor unitatii pentru asta.
In ultimele doua zile am participat la o misiune in … Подробнее »