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A Weapon of Mass Construction & Mass Destruction

Unde se duc banii vostri

105 День 3,489, 11:44 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Бизнес и финансы Бизнес и финансы


Taxele pe work sunt tinute sus
Partidele sunt sub takeover pentru a putea mentine Congresul si iesirile din visterie
CO-urile sunt puse preferential si pentru cine trebuie.
Aproximativ 6,000,000 RON sunt arsi lunar de o
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Am 10,000 de Gold. Ce fac cu ei?

158 День 3,470, 10:44 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Бизнес и финансы Бизнес и финансы


Putin cate putin am reusit sa adun ceva bani in cont. Problema este ce fac cu ei? Astept parerile voastre in legatura cu optiuni pentru a investi aproximativ 10,000 de Gold pe care momentan ii am disponibili. Evident exista si Подробнее »

eRep Labs is hungry as hell

22 День 3,418, 06:00 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения


Okay, so there have been a few bad decisions in the eRep Labs office in the past 2-3 years. Some were okay, some were good. But I Подробнее »

Schimbari la Weekly Challenge dupa 40k PP

25 День 3,417, 02:55 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Военная аналитика Военная аналитика


In ziua 3,416 intre orele 00:40 - 1:02 (server time) bazele de date eRepublik au clacat, exact in timpul bataliilor epice (una la D4 si vreo 4-5 la D1 Подробнее »

Legends of Romania - a proposal

70 День 3,395, 07:49 Опубликовано в стране Romania Romania Социальные контакты и развлечения Социальные контакты и развлечения


There have been many discussions about the nomenclature of the Military Ranks over the years, especially with the introduction of the Legend Ranks. In an effort to both Подробнее »