[Feds] The Winter King Cometh

Day 2,948, 16:09 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

Long ago, there was a king. He reigned in ice and spoke with snow, and his rule brought righteous gifts to his party. Now, once again, as the chill wrap of winter descends, the Winter King is cometh once more...

My fellow Federalists, I thank you for this coronation. Ours is a party built upon a mighty past. It's time to make our future even stronger.


Part 1: The Shivering Court
As my first act as returned Winter King, I hereby reconvene my bannermen. The Shivering Court will rise. Joining us as my second and chief advisor, I give you the Thawed Prince Dinnyin!

Leading our congressional legions, scoring crits on hippos, and counting our elephants will be none of than our Dodgy Doge, His Serenity Paul Proteus.

Assisting in organizing our holiday shenanigans and bringing joy to all the good Feds, we have the Iced Viceroy Mama Lunete.

Treasuring our past, present, and future along with all the ghosts associated will be that old comical curmudgeon, Count Cromstar!

Serving as our talent scout, fight manager, and chief brewmaster will be Viscount Alexander Valkor II.

Mediating our media musings and managing our mobs must be Margrave MrCarey.

And finally, serving faithfully to get the messenger pigeons out on time and the house kept in fine order shall be Lord Steward Dave Gulya.

Deputies will be called to order in due time, but first, let us speak of the state of things.

Part B: The State of Things
For the last few months, there has been a noted resurgence in the Federalist Party. The names you see assembled above are a testament to this fact. Simply put, our party is experiencing a wealth of growth and potential.

This Federalist Renaissance (or Federenaissance, if you will) is something which should be capitalized upon. Not in many months has our party contained such a mixture of old and new, of experience and ambition. The recent Federalist Symposium hosted by Former Party President Orikfricai attests to a desire. A desire to once again make our presence known, and to build a structure from which we can aid all who play this game.

In recent times, we have been witness to great strife. Parties who put themselves before the country, Presidents who put themselves before their citizens. These are in direct opposition to our tenants as Federalists, and we can see the sorrow they now sow. It should be evident to anyone now why we place our pride in our country, why Proud = Horny, and why we should not allow the petty ideals of individual agenda to supersede the needs of the nation. There is an unrest, and where others have fallen and blundered, we shall rise and prosper.

This party is a rock, standing in a turbulent sea. And just as we always have, we shall weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not. We shall be the earth that solidifies this nation in storm.

Now, onto happier things.

Part the Last: Fedmas
In the spirit of the holidays, and in the spirit of giving back to this country, I declare December the 28th to January the 1st Fedmas. In celebration of the season and to commemorate our Renaissance, we shall have a jubilant party with great prizes, gifts, and memories to be shared.

"What sort of things will be prizes and gifts?" I hear you wonder. Gold, firstly. Starting on December 27th, we will have a vote, and that vote will determine who we appreciate in our party. The Jolly King or Queen of Fedmas shall reign for all the next day, and be able to decree one thing for the party to enjoy. And, as an offering for their loyalty and joy they bring, they shall also receive 40 gold to do with as they please.

"But Aramec!" you reply, calculating quickly. "40 gold to five people would amount to 200 gold!" Yes. Yes it certainly would.

It's time to spread the wealth, and show our appreciation for those who have worked hard this year. This is a chance for us to come together, old and new, silver and gold, to enjoy the time we spend playing this game. Because as an old friend once reminded me, this very much is a game. And games are meant to be fun. 😁

Seated from my icy throne, I great you with this winter proclamation. Hail the Federalist Party, and let usher in a new chapter for us all. Cheers.