Ambient pornit/oprit

Andy and Dominar Do America

3 Ziua 4,126, 13:15 Publicat în USA USA Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

After digesting my sit down with Chickensguys (get it....), I decided my next course of action should be to meet with Dominar Rygel XVI and hear his take on the future of the eUSA, his plan to regain all of our regions and the overall state of

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Andy and Chickenguys Do Diplomacy

6 Ziua 4,122, 13:12 Publicat în USA USA Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I, Andy Dufresne, have taken it upon myself to fix the political landscape of the eUS and bridge the gap with the Honorable Chickenguys. We sat down for a meal (credit to me, I paid) to discuss the upcoming CP election, the future of Congress, and a

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Andy Dufresne for CP

27 Ziua 3,955, 14:18 Publicat în USA USA Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

How would I describe my CP term(s) in three words.....

- Hardworking
- Alpha Male
- Jackhammer
- Merciless
- Insatiable


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Andy's Final Nightmare...........

29 Ziua 2,472, 17:07 Publicat în USA USA Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

In my previous installments we have paid tribute to butts and boobs. In my final installment, we admire both. Come my tan-faced children, follow well in order, get your weapons ready and check out these sweet, sweet lady parts.


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Epic Mission #3: Andy's Revenge

27 Ziua 2,470, 16:17 Publicat în USA USA Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Part three of my mission newpaper series. My two previous installments have featured the glorious female butt. Today, we pay homage to boobs. Go forth and bask in these glorious boobs, these dirty, dirty boobs.


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