Ambient pornit/oprit

[MA] Dramma

9 Ziua 1,163, 15:04 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan

First of all, thanks to all who have voted for me. More real people voted fro me than for Vegera, I'm rather positive.

Epilogue of Poland leaving EDEN is still to follow. After all the mess I tried to explain in my previous article, … citește în continuare »

[MA] Civil war, the next level of gaming experience

15 Ziua 1,161, 02:54 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan

Ever thought about that guys? Civil war, people fighting against gov etc. I did think it's possible in eRep, just never witnessed one. Yes, I saw people hitting against orders, but never in this extent.

Yesterday a lot changed on a … citește în continuare »

[MA] Serbian shizzle and stuff

5 Ziua 1,156, 20:13 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan

Hola people! I was very inactive in the past few months, mainly cos nothing interesting was going on. I became more active because of this whole NWO mess that was caused by a few players. I actually became more active in order to get more inside

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3 Ziua 1,114, 05:25 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan

where's har?

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[MA] We are Dio

7 Ziua 1,022, 04:42 Publicat în Pakistan Pakistan

Hi guise, this time I will talk as PP of Stone Ocean. I wanted to write another articel about elections, return of NWFP, Serbia swap etc etc but it's kinda irrelevant atm.

As you all can see, there

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