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Dear eIndonesia,

60 Ziua 1,471, 15:49 Publicat în Australia Australia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Image of Java burning.

Before you go patting yourselves on the back you need to remember a few hard learned facts about eAus. Our decision to leave EDEN doesn't … citește în continuare »

A small note about Java and getting Brazil into the game.

26 Ziua 1,432, 18:21 Publicat în Australia Australia Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

If ever there was a case of listening to everyones opinions this has to be it.

Many of you will be unaware of the game we were playing, of the need to stratigically lose battles and what not. Truth is that now none of that matters now.


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Hit the Switch!

16 Ziua 1,427, 01:13 Publicat în Australia Australia Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

Time to report in, you know who you are.

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Empires Fall.

17 Ziua 1,406, 01:40 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză militară Analiză militară

Civilizations rise and fall, great empires who dominate the globe vanish in a heartbeat. Winter comes for all.

For many years you wreaked havoc amongst our nation, taking our … citește în continuare »

The politics of eAustralia a.k.a Cry baby Cry.

27 Ziua 1,340, 22:33 Publicat în Australia Australia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Firstly let me start by saying STFU, all of you.

There is not a true leader amongst you, there is nobody who can inspire the population with a single article, nobody who will lead from the front and be above the pathetic games and complete

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