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We want to hear from You

12 Ziua 819, 02:18 Publicat în USA USA

Green Liberal Democrats are a new political movement in the US, dedicated to transparent and participative politics. Today we are the 7th largest US party. Our ambition … citește în continuare »

Dreaming about Real Change

17 Ziua 815, 12:50 Publicat în USA USA

I'm currently running for the US Green Party party presidency. If elected, I plan to activate the party by setting the scene for a new political movement in the US. The Green Liberal Democrats will stand for freedom of enterprise, peace and

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Green Liberal Democrats enter congress

7 Ziua 584, 02:09 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Dear citizens,

Today, the Green Liberal Democrats enter congress with 6 congressmen. We have won these elections by a landslide. The Green Lib Dems are the only party with more votes than it has members. We have succeeded in rallying support

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GLD Election Update II

2 Ziua 583, 06:45 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Green Liberal Democrat voters, dear citizens. In order to gain a maximum number of Green Liberal Democrat congressmen, we are issuing following voting tips. All GLD members, please register on the forum (

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GLD Election Update I

1 Ziua 583, 03:11 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Green Liberal Democrat voters, dear citizens. In order to gain a maximum number of Green Liberal Democrat congressmen, we are issuing following voting tips. All GLD members, please register on the forum (

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