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A paper that will give sometimes some news on some interesting things that can or can't happen and stuff that happened already...

Knowledge Contest

8 Ziua 1,112, 13:57 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

The Weekly Prophet presents together with congress member Dagniel this knowledge Contest.
Congress member Dagniel came up with the idea and with the prizes, while citește în continuare »

A hell of a week

10 Ziua 1,110, 01:20 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

What a week!
A lot happened and there are still high discussions about it so read this article and know what is going on

NLSP: A new and active Congress Member
A small miracle has happened, the first proposal of a totally new

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Editorial - Member of Congress

10 Ziua 1,102, 08:25 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

Dear readers,
Since I have become a member of congress, it was in my opinion that it is my duty to have a newspaper so I can publish al the sense and nonsense I want.
So I did
I will try to publish on a regular basis this newspaper and hope that

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