Ambient pornit/oprit

Despre ziarul meu

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I don't know what to put here, so the remaining 250 characters will go to enormous, uncalled for, and never-before-seen lengths to give the reader a full, in-depth understanding of my sincere love for our mammalian brethren from whom we take wondrous portions of hearty, bloody, and delicious steaks.

Armoured News: Day 725

5 Ziua 725, 19:00 Publicat în Canada Canada

Welome to the Armoured Voice, today’s edition will be a very short one, simply because there has been a severe lack of events today.

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Armoured News: Indonesia Leaves Peace and More!

7 Ziua 724, 15:07 Publicat în Canada Canada

---Indonesia Leaves Peace----Indo-Malayan War ----Central Slovakia---

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Indonesia Attacks and Other News

5 Ziua 723, 13:48 Publicat în Canada Canada

---Indonesia Attacks Malaysia----North Korea ----Syddanmark----Slavonia----

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Armoured Voice: New and Improved!

5 Ziua 722, 15:17 Publicat în Canada Canada

Editor’s Note: The Armoured Voice, Remade! Now with a new layout, new topics (i.e. no more “fail articles”), and even a banner. Now please read on to see your first glimpse of the New and Improved Armoured Voice!

[img]http://i650.[/img] … citește în continuare »

Collapse Is Inevitable, Why Delay It?

23 Ziua 721, 18:54 Publicat în Canada Canada

Edit: Click here to read the New and Improved Armoured Voice

Honestly, this is becoming ridiculous, all of these attacks on neutral countries Peace is

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