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Jizzhad Declared!

28 Ziua 560, 13:56 Publicat în Brazil Brazil

Thank God for the dishonorable and cowardly tactics of the Indos and their Brazilian minions! South Africa has never been so united and free to act against the enemies of freedom. People all around the e-world have finally been jarred out of their

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The War is Far From Over, Amigos: Viva La Liberacion! Es Muy Sexio

17 Ziua 553, 09:16 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Greetings South Africans. It is with a heavy heart indeed that I come before you today. As you all know the cowardly and deceitful Brazilian/Indo alliance has succeeded in undermining our government with their political take-over of Congress.

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Here's to You, South Africa: Stay Strong, Stay Sexy, and Many Thanks to All

29 Ziua 531, 16:13 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Greetings my friends and allies. I have served as the president of eSouth Africa for nearly two months now, and after two fruitful, eventful and exciting terms, it is now time for me to step down as leader of this great country. It has been an

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Inspiration from History: Our Cause Is As Noble As It Is Ancient

25 Ziua 526, 13:12 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Ye call me chief; and ye do well to call him chief who for 6 long months has met upon the arena every shape of man or beast the broad Empire of Indonesia could furnish, and who never yet lowered his arm. If there be one among you who can say that

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Rise Up, South Africa! The Liberation War is Upon Us

80 Ziua 526, 11:01 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Greetings to my South African friends and comrades from around the world. I come to you now at the most critical time in our e-nation’s history as we take our first steps towards re-unification and Liberation. As promised and after several weeks

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