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Oh you cheeky Canadians!

15 Ziua 1,444, 11:42 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Today wasn't a very good day for me, had to move to Cyprus to help them out for personal reasons, I have a debt to pay off from the eUK bank and 300 health points are not enough. But something changed all that and in the next paragraph I will tell

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Why we hate the US

11 Ziua 1,443, 01:11 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I don’t know why but everyone in the world hates America, even people who aren’t terrorists! Here are a few of the reasons why I believe America should be occupied by the polish/ Serbian

1. They believe they are the best at everything

2. They

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Canadian Jokes

1 Ziua 1,442, 00:56 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Yesterday I wrote an article about how we should remove Canada from Wales. Unfortunately it didn't work in time so here's a few jokes about the Canadians to try and make you laugh. (Warning most jokes are seriously not funny so please refrain from

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11 Ziua 1,440, 01:51 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

I don't think anyone has noticed, including me up till this point. That Wales is still under control of the infamous Canadians. I think we have forgotten what makes Wales a great country to have in the eUK.
1. Every 1 in 7 Welsh person becomes a

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