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Why Romania Won

46 Ziua 1,211, 12:36 Publicat în USA USA

As we can all see from this, I was the deciding factor that turned the tables for Romania, and led to their win. I shall go down in history as the greatest fighter in citește în continuare »

Epic Fail ! ! !

2 Ziua 1,208, 08:11 Publicat în USA USA

Image courtesy of one of my RL friends, who decided I couldn't force him to play anymore. He ended up 2xp away from lvl 20. If anyone wants to donate him 1 gold, he'll citește în continuare »

Well, This Isn't Normal.

9 Ziua 1,194, 14:28 Publicat în USA USA

Now, I know immediately people will think that I just prt sc a couple of different screens and mixed them together. But this is not so. I may lack a life, but I don't get … citește în continuare »

Epic Give-away

5 Ziua 1,192, 09:07 Publicat în USA USA

Hello all,

voting is a necessity, subbing is optional, shouting would be nice 😛

This is a follow on from my first article on the subject \(*-😉/.

It begins. Good

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My Congressional Platform

4 Ziua 1,189, 07:35 Publicat în USA USA

You should vote for me because I feel that Congress is getting too 'you were in congress before, therefore you should be in again'. I feel that it is time to get some new faces into congress, and if it turns out that I am not one of them, than so be

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