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More eFood, pl0x?

2 Ziua 893, 10:25 Publicat în USA USA

How about in V2 of eRepublik, we get some actual food? I'm tired of eating bread. I mean, when in comparison to real life, what exactly is Q1-Q5 Bread? Is that like moldy bread, then old bread, then medium aged bread, then almost new bread, then

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UPDATE: Keep The eUSA Safe; Report KU6ER

9 Ziua 881, 22:46 Publicat în USA USA

Thanks to everyone's help, we've managed to help ban a hungarian multier hiding in our country. Thanks a lot, you guys rock!

KU6ER Report Form - Report … citește în continuare »

Happy Birthday Pheno_Sony / Tim

2 Ziua 881, 18:09 Publicat în USA USA

Today, April 19th, 2010, is the 19th birthday of the beloved Pheno_Sony. In his … citește în continuare »

Justin McCravok can into DC/Congress

22 Ziua 880, 00:34 Publicat în USA USA

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Justin McCravok and I am running for my 1st term in the eUSA congress. I will be running and representing the United citește în continuare »

Something wrong in eAustralia? Blasphemy!

15 Ziua 873, 00:28 Publicat în USA USA

I hear all these rants about the battle in Western Australia not being over even after the clock hit 0:00, but I have no idea what these insane people are talking about. I have not heard of such shenanigans. Why would a battle not be over EVEN AFTER

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