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ترس برادر مرگ است - آپدیت 1- پوپک

36 Ziua 755, 13:07 Publicat în Iran Iran

لینک به صفحه نبرد ایران و هندوستان 72 ملت

نبرد بنگال غربی را بردیم. حالا به سرزمین دیگرمان - فکر کنم پاکستانی است - حمله شده. این یکی مهم نیست: اقتصادی بجنگید یا اصلاً نجنگید
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و حالا نوبت ماست - آپدیت 2 - پوپک

44 Ziua 749, 14:32 Publicat în Iran Iran

هند اعلان جنگ داد و حمله کرد: حمله میکند و ما را هم به طمع حمله می اندازد تا نیروهای متحدشان وارد شوند

صفحه جنگ
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Words of a Multi – Part 3 [EN/FA] سخنان یک مولتی، قسمت سوم

13 Ziua 744, 03:34 Publicat în Iran Iran

Here is the 3rd part of the story. For those who just joined us, I am recommending to read the following chapters first.


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Words of a Multi - Part 2 [En/Fa] - سخنان یک مولتی، قسمت دوم

27 Ziua 724, 10:51 Publicat în Iran Iran

Here is the second part for the readers. I am recommending you to read the PART 1 before going on. As I said before, please take no offense while reading these

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Words of a Multi -[En/Fa] سخنان یک مولتی

40 Ziua 723, 05:36 Publicat în Iran Iran

I love Erepublik, our world, as much as you. That’s why I have written a story about multies. Please take no offense against it. Just read and enjoy and as some say, you can think about it.

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