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Illinois Congressional Platform: Aren Perry

6 Ziua 484, 15:33 Publicat în USA USA

Well ladies and Gentleman it’s that wonderful time again! So far I have faithfully and actively served you as your congressman in Illinois, trying to better our e-nation. I am running with the support of both the AAP and the USWP parties. I am

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eRelax and Take a Moment off for some Pie

7 Ziua 481, 17:51 Publicat în USA USA

Warning, the below was intended for the sight only of nerds, all others may be blinded, bored, and die of sudden death from an unkown cause.

I mean Pi. Yes, Pi. Yesterday was 3/14, or 3.14 which also is of course the magic number for Pi … citește în continuare »

Operation Taco Bell, or Burnt Burrito? Lessons from Mexico

45 Ziua 476, 18:53 Publicat în USA USA

We were so very, very close to total victory. The sweet taste of the entirety of Mexico in our hands was so close I felt it. Unfortunate for us, PEACE felt it was too much to let us run through Mexico without some serious intervention from their

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"There is an active battle involving your country"

6 Ziua 472, 16:33 Publicat în USA USA

eLadies and eGentleman, warriors all

Apparently the Burritos in Nothern Mexico are not quite authentic enough to satisfy our tastes.


We are attacking the Central Highland region of Mexico! This area will release to us other

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Illinois Feb-March Voting Record, Aren Perry

2 Ziua 470, 19:16 Publicat în USA USA

Ignoring lulz proposals.

The order is Income/Import/VAT

Tax Change: Oil
Original 10/15/0
New 20/30/0

Yes, I support the PANEC proposal because it is what has helped us start winning wars and providing better support for our country. It

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