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Brittany Resisitance War

3 Ziua 605, 13:16 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a war we are aiming to lose, so when you fight, fight for the resistance.
We only took Brittany as a back way in to Canada and are now returning Brittany to France.
Again if you fight,FIGHT FOR THE RESISTANCE!


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Southwest Congress Election

3 Ziua 605, 07:39 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello my name is firejon and I am the RFA candidate for congress in the Southwest this term.
Firstly let me tell you a little about myself.
Since I joined I back in February I have been on every day trying to grow and learn all about the eworld.

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UK attacks France!

4 Ziua 604, 14:53 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Well its a good start!
We are to aid France in their fight with Canada, finally some action in euk!
Here is what our PM had to say

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Jobs for RFA members

0 Ziua 604, 14:40 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

I'm offering work to all RFA members, I have jobs available in manufacturing and Land,
I offer good pay and the opportunity to keep some of you gun production.
Msg me for details if a member of the RFA and interested


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