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You are looking at the newspaper of Max Blue; social and political reformer, businessman and snappy dresser. I write articles for the global community and proUK articles.

War! Huh! What is it good for?

10 Ziua 732, 13:30 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

War! Huh! What is it good for?

Listen to this:

What is it good for?

War is the sole driver of activity and prosperity in erepublik. War stimulates the economy.
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Join the eUK military today!

17 Ziua 729, 02:09 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Britain requires that every man and woman fight for the country.

Our glorious leader cannot defend the nation without soldiers. We have 2 official military bodies in the eUK.

1) [
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Soldier Strength

9 Ziua 722, 09:12 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

It has come to my attention that many eUKers don't know how to inflict the most damage in wars. Therefore I am creating a mini-series, aimed at educating the fighting novices.

*deep breath* Here goes...

It is no secret that to be a

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Redcoats unite with France

10 Ziua 720, 05:24 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Proud to be a redcoat? Well, France is proud to show their friendship with the UK in officially uniting our nations.

MPP with France

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Make Ready!

15 Ziua 712, 08:48 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

The yanks have proclaimed that they are coming to crush our skulls. But I say NAY!

- It will be hard for them to take our soil.
- Yanks don't have the minerals to follow through.

This seems like a good enough time to encourage
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