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[VM71] PP election - summary of the candidates

10 Ziua 2,428, 05:03 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

With the Party President (PP) election tomorrow, I thought I'd take a brief look at the full list of candidates, and try to weigh up their pros and cons.

The current TUP PP, and also

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[VM71] Vote for Madelina

12 Ziua 2,424, 10:52 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică


With the PP election coming up next Tuesday (15th July), it's time to start considering who to vote for as our next party leader.

There are two realistic options: BigAnt and Madelina de Melrose. Let's take a look at

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[VM71] The next step...

9 Ziua 2,421, 06:35 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

First of all, congratulations to every true TUP member who voted for Moriarty in the CP election at the weekend. Vendetta and BigAnt pulled every last dirty trick out of their bag (did you spot them changing the party name to "vote BigAnt" and the

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[TUP] Next CP election

51 Ziua 2,414, 06:24 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

This month has been a bad one for TUP.

BigAnt TPO'd the party by shipping in a bunch of new people - many from eSerbia -and got himself elected as PP as a result. Since then he's done nothing at all for the party. Have you heard a single

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[VM71] er ... what goes here?

15 Ziua 2,411, 02:21 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

Good morning (or afternoon or evening, depending on what time it is).

I'll be honest with you from the outset: I've set this newspaper up by accident. Well, not completely by accident - I wasn't trying to fight Argentina in Wales and somehow

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