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To Brasil and Argentina: We Were There

102 Ziua 1,198, 13:40 Publicat în USA USA

We’re brothers. Through thick and thin.

Last month, our countries began a bond that we all vowed to continue to further. It started off rocky. Both sides wanted the other to help them first. In … citește în continuare »

My Endorsements!

16 Ziua 1,193, 17:55 Publicat în USA USA

Dear America,

Wow. Today’s election has been pretty eventful! What upsets me is that so many incumbents, as well as great candidates are losing! This really is … citește în continuare »

A Blessing in Disguise

21 Ziua 1,188, 19:04 Publicat în USA USA

Dear America,

It’s quite obvious our country is in decline. It has been happening for a while now.

Our babies are not given the lives they deserve v_v

We have

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If This Law Passes

44 Ziua 1,183, 20:03 Publicat în USA USA

I'll come back early.

Inb4 Cerber gets impeached.

Haliman 11 minutes ago

Polan😛 If you're gonna attack, do it already. PANAM has whooped you and your friends many times already. I'
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Goodbye, My Old Friend

57 Ziua 1,176, 18:08 Publicat în USA USA

Some theme music, America.

I have been thinking the last few days, and have realized that this article is inevitable.

I'll be taking a break from the eRepublik metagame for a while. … citește în continuare »