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Urgent! Elections!

13 Ziua 1,081, 13:50 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

As you can see the 2 candidates are battling very hard about the victory of the elections. To prevent eCyprus from and eAtilla and the dark ages, vote for Iaswn. Already the turkish votes are being cancelled! Dont let Steoks win by a fraud.


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The New Military mode concerning the new players

4 Ziua 1,081, 11:16 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

This new military mode, has messed everything up about the game I knew. The old players deal extreme damage. And the new players almost nothing. Well this is unfair for new players like me that invested RL money on the game and fair to the old

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Cyprus-The Aftermath,An answer to the eTurkish actions of Theft

28 Ziua 1,071, 06:05 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

I am writing this article quite shocked by the new proposal that I saw 10 minutes ago, for transferring 90000 CYP to the (Cyprus) Turk Bank.(!!!!!!!)

Also Steoks made an article declaring: I will not let you steal the money!(!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Περί Veni_zelikwn και μη.....

33 Ziua 1,066, 10:33 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

Γράφω λόγω αυτών που έχουν γραφεί για τον Veni_Zelo και το LSP.
Οι περισσότεροι θέλω να πιστεύω σεβόμαστε τις ιδέες του LSP(ή έστω μερικών μελών) παρόλο που δεν συμφωνούμε πολιτικά.

Το θέμα είναι ,πώς επιτρέπετε στο συγκεκριμένο μέλος να κάνει

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Η eΕλλάδα θα μας χρειαστεί...

10 Ziua 1,066, 09:39 Publicat în Cyprus Cyprus

Δυστυχώς εντός ολίγων ημερών η eΤουρκία θα ανασυσταθεί σε όλο της το μεγαλείο. Αυτό το γεγονός δεν οφείλεται ούτε σε λάθος πολιτικούς χειρισμούς απο πλευράς eΕλλάδας, ούτε σε λάθος στρατιωτικούς χειρισμούς. Οφείλεται στην τρομερά δυναμική αντίδραση

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