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The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - first of its kind and still going strong.

Greetings from the Swedish Government and Diplomats

1 Ziua 419, 10:06 Publicat în Canada Canada

A few days ago, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Algaroth resigned from his office, citing shortage of time. Today, a new MoFA has been appointed by the president, Toothpaste. Marten1000 will be MoFA, and Red Hank will serve as vice MoFa.

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Greetings from the Swedish Government and Diplomats

3 Ziua 419, 10:03 Publicat în USA USA

A few days ago, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Algaroth resigned from his office, citing shortage of time. Today, a new MoFA has been appointed by the president, Toothpaste. Marten1000 will be MoFA, and Red Hank will serve as vice MoFa.

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Greetings from the Swedish Government and Diplomats

0 Ziua 419, 10:01 Publicat în Poland Poland

A few days ago, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Algaroth resigned from his office, citing shortage of time. Today, a new MoFA has been appointed by the president, Toothpaste. Marten1000 will be MoFA, and Red Hank will serve as vice MoFa.

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Greetings from Sweden and the Swedish Diplomats

0 Ziua 419, 09:59 Publicat în Poland Poland

A few days ago, the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Algaroth resigned from his office, citing shortage of time. Today, a new MoFA has been appointed by the president, Toothpaste. Marten1000 will be MoFA, and Red Hank will serve as vice MoFa.

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Gratulacje dla Polski od Prezydenta Szwecji

9 Ziua 382, 07:21 Publicat în Poland Poland

Z okazji wyborów prezydenckich życzymy Polsce wszystkiego najlepszego i wysyłamy cieple gratulacje dla Buzzy, poraz drugi wybrany na prezydenta Polski.

Niech każdy dzień dostarcza radoś

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