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2 Ziua 2,002, 06:38 Publicat în India India Analiză militară Analiză militară

India as you know is in a very serious and tight political and military situation.We have been conquered on the north by Croatia,on the South by Pakistan and our western state of Gujarat is conquered by Albania.When we think of these three … citește în continuare »

Birth of A Soul

3 Ziua 2,001, 06:43 Publicat în India India Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

'THE SOUL OF INDIA' is a new newspaper crafted for the greatness of our mother INDIA, the great land which is protected by the Himalayas, Thar desert, sunder-ban delta,the BAY of BENGAL,the ARABIAN SEA and the only ocean named after a country,THE

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