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We told you...we told it...

9 Ziua 635, 22:37 Publicat în Canada Canada

Dear eCanadians!

You fought well, to your last breath. But why? We said you: you are just shield. You are not our main target...but you choosed the fight, the resistance, the fall...
Results? Broken state, devastated economy, diyng ecitizens,

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Well well well...Thank you, Hungary?

17 Ziua 625, 15:47 Publicat în Croatia Croatia

Remember your "brave and strong" words, when your allies saved you weak, fat ass?
Thank you Hungary!

Well...we remember. Remember, and dont forget...few days, and you have no more allies...
Who save your pretty ass in this time?

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13 Ziua 622, 11:36 Publicat în Canada Canada

Dear eCanadian citizens!

You fought and fight well, you are brave, and took a fierce resistance, but noone can stop us, noone can break the PEACE, and NOONE CAN ESCAPE FROM THE HUNGARIAN WAR MACHINE!!!

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Szlovák acél a cél!

16 Ziua 613, 08:53 Publicat în Hungary Hungary

A cikk egy linket tartalmaz, mely fel-votolandó. A link, melyre mutat, azt elemzi, hogy RL mennyivel több vasat termel az evassal nem rendelkező Szlovákia, mint azok az orszá … citește în continuare »

Az orosz kérdés (NEM URAL)

12 Ziua 610, 23:46 Publicat în Hungary Hungary

Reggel, mikor beléptem, kikerekedett a szemem: eRussia majdnem 10.000 polgárral rendelkezik. Ez még akkor is szép szám, ha igen szép számmal foglaltak el emerikai régiókat - a jövőbeli eorosz felemelkedést szinte biztosra vehetjük.

Nem kívánok ú

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