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My second meeting, my first impressions

15 Ziua 344, 00:15 Publicat în Romania Romania

Introduction: Due to the international nature of this game, I decided to write all my articles in English, maybe some foreigners would like to read them… If some of you do not understand English that well, please use Google Translator, and … citește în continuare »

Another article about the meeting in Bucharest.

0 Ziua 305, 11:49 Publicat în Romania Romania

Well, being the third (I think) article about the eRepublik meeting in Bucharest, I will resume my comments to this: "It was great! We drank, laughed, had fun."

This is it. I think you all expect the pictures:

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Even the Admins got tired...

26 Ziua 295, 11:02 Publicat în Romania Romania

Well, after 1 week from the suspension of the Romanian-Hungarian war, and after hundreds of "Hungarian language only" articles, even the Admins and Moderators got tired of the situation and sent me this message:


We kindly ask you not

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What's the matter?

1 Ziua 294, 01:27 Publicat în Romania Romania

Hello. In the last 2-3 days, 2 General Managers from various Gift Companies were suspended or banned by Admins. Does anyone have some inside information about this? Why doesn't anyone take care of the "Instigator Agents" wondering around in

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Instigators only for fools!!!

13 Ziua 292, 11:44 Publicat în Romania Romania

Unfortunately, the eHungarian-eRomanian War brought a lot of REAL LIFE issues that should not be part of an OLINE GAME !!!

By doing a close analysis, a lot of conclusions can be drawn, but I will only tell you one:
There are "

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