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From boring to phenomenal articles of entertainment and interest to the American public

every few days

0 Ziua 891, 11:23 Publicat în USA USA

Well for anyone reading this, dont expect an artical every day. Im busy everyday and writing an artical isnt easy for me to do. Takes lots of time to let the word flow than organize them, so ever other day a paper will be writen.
Jack M.

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The recent BIG KA- BANG! (a war artical)

0 Ziua 889, 14:03 Publicat în USA USA

Resistance in Orinoquia

Russian attacking North-west Frontier providence, China

China attack Inner Mongolia, Serbia

Russia attack Tibet, USA

Xinjiang conquered by Russian vs china

Jilin secured by China vs Russia

Resistance in

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Another day and a new artical

1 Ziua 883, 08:27 Publicat în USA USA

I've decided to write this artical in the nice weather out side, i love rain and a short circiting laptop on my lap.
anywhos ive decided to talk about the religon policy and its essential perpous to the eRepublik persona. For those who think that

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0 Ziua 882, 09:42 Publicat în USA USA

Evening ladys and gents. im Jack mensley and this is my recent newspaper targeted at the fundamental values of comedy and artisic and journalistic sneaky comments uppon the -isms and diffrent laws and blah blah blah you get the point.
so be aware

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