Ambient pornit/oprit


17 Ziua 951, 12:04 Publicat în Canada Canada">

Blame yourselves.
My Grandma asked for Weapons to fight against the UK, she was essentially told to F&@# OFF.

She went elsewhere. 🙂

Don't hate, it's your own … citește în continuare »

My Grandma!

44 Ziua 950, 16:43 Publicat în Canada Canada">

Sorry about the UK guys, my grandma hacked into my account and decided to tank 🙁
She was actually born in Britain, so it's understandable. :/

Hugs and Kisses,
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Failure of A Government [Rewritten]

104 Ziua 949, 20:05 Publicat în Canada Canada

Note: I have rewritten the article to reflect my views better. Also, I am quitting this game, I am not running for CP. Give it another week or so. This is not an attempt to shift attention away from myself or redeem myself. I'm just trying to point

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Presidential Cabinet: July 5th

32 Ziua 948, 20:44 Publicat în Canada Canada">

Prime Minister - 1ronman
Deputy Prime Minister - SaraDroz

Chief of Staff - Chamrajnagar
Advisor - Derek Harland
PR Manager - Jbdivinus
Asst. PR Manager - … citește în continuare »

1ronman is Innocent

84 Ziua 946, 16:36 Publicat în Canada Canada

TL😉R Version

I'm Innocent

A week ago I was on top of the world. I was one of the top dogs in EDEN, an administrator on ERX, and one of the most respected players in eCanada. I had just come back from a mini rage quit to Spain,

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