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Brave Atlantis Soldiers

3 Ziua 542, 10:41 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

On photo - Canada's army, not there where they should be, but nevermind. They are not in PEACE, HIGH FIVE !

Yesterday, the best soldiers from United Kingdom, USA and Canada were participating in the most intensive battles in the eRepublik since

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Brave Atlantis Soldiers

13 Ziua 542, 09:50 Publicat în Indonesia Indonesia

On photo - Canada's army, not there where they should be, but nevermind. They are not in PEACE, HIGH FIVE !

Yesterday, the best soldiers from United Kingdom, USA and Canada were participating in the most intensive battles in the eRepublik since

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Brave Atlantis Soldiers

4 Ziua 542, 09:49 Publicat în Germany Germany

On photo - Canada's army, not there where they should be, but nevermind. They are not in PEACE, HIGH FIVE !

Yesterday, the best soldiers from United Kingdom, USA and Canada were participating in the most intensive battles in the eRepublik since

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Brave Atlantis Soldiers

5 Ziua 542, 09:48 Publicat în Croatia Croatia

On photo - Canada's army, not there where they should be, but nevermind. They are not in PEACE, HIGH FIVE !

Yesterday, the best soldiers from United Kingdom, USA and Canada were participating in the most intensive battles in the eRepublik since

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Brave Atlantis Soldiers

10 Ziua 542, 09:45 Publicat în Romania Romania

On photo - Canada's army, not there where they should be, but nevermind. They are not in PEACE, HIGH FIVE !

Yesterday, the best soldiers from United Kingdom, USA and Canada were participating in the most intensive battles in the eRepublik since

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