Ambient pornit/oprit


0 Ziua 712, 12:37 Publicat în USA USA

As you know, my friend Chris Stanwick is coming home and the eConstitution says "Anyone who left during the war can`t come back" I may be wrong considering someone said this to Ajay Bruno but wouldn`t this be a problem? Can we have exceptions?

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Ambassadors report

3 Ziua 710, 23:33 Publicat în USA USA

wars: none

Elections: there were congressional elections and thats basically it.

So thats it.

Yono-eUS ambassador to Argentina

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My first 100 days

2 Ziua 710, 23:15 Publicat în USA USA

Ive accomplished a bit in my first 100, already withinn my party and other party`s I have a small yet still important base of support, Ive had a total 8 different runs for congress (meaning 8 seperate states), a unsuccessful run for the presidency

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My Platform for October

5 Ziua 699, 19:09 Publicat în USA USA

New Hamshire the place of the future!

A little about me

Im a liberal Democrat and I will do only what is best for the people and I will ask your opinion on the major decisions.

My positions

I believe government should and

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My Weekly report

0 Ziua 696, 23:34 Publicat în USA USA

My Report

Not much im not currently talking with anyone yet so you have alll the info the State Department does, im required to present a report, so this is it, NOTHING happened, I sent him a DM however he

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